Mini Quilt Project


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This is the materials and instructions I pretty much used to do this project. 


Fat Quarter Bundles Fabric For Sewing (15 x 19 inches) (1/4 yard)

Cut 5 of one colour at 4 x 4

Cut 5 of one colour at 4 x 4 

Cut 5 of one colour at 4 x 4

Batting of about 15 x 19

Backing of about 15 x 19 

Sewing Machine 


Scissors or Rotary 

Guidance and Instructions

1.  Take 4 different colours out of the package of your choice for desirous making to your liking all of which are a quarter yard of fabric.  Press and iron to remove creases.

2.   Set aside the one you plan to use as the quarter fabric you like for backing.  The other three quarters of fabric cut 4 x 4 squares accordingly.  Match seams and stitch about 1/4 inch seam allowance on each seam line.  Press.  Serge or zigzag edges if you like.

3.   Prepare batting and attach with pins to 2 above. Right side face up. 

4.   Add backing fabric. Pin all together.  Baste around the surface of the quilt at about 1/4 inch seam allowances. Stitch and Press.

5.    Options and choices.  Top stitch or stitch in the ditch each seam area.

6.     Trim the batting area.

7.     Take backing and use to prepare a binding border.  Fold in half to meet the seam already stitched and then fold again to form binding border.  Be sure to meet at corners by folding in half to make clean cut corners.  Press and pin.  Baste again. Top Stitch. Press.

Fabric used in this project.

= = = = = = = = =

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